domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

PROYECTO PICASSO VIII: La pequeña conferencia.

Lo prometido es deuda. Os cuelgo vídeos de la conferencia que hicimos en el salón de actos.

Fue una experiencia muy interesante en la que procuré que cada alumno hiciese su pequeña participación. Teníamos unos 10 minutos para hacerla y por ello las intervenciones son muy cortitas, aún así, nos pasamos un poquito de tiempo. Esta fue la segunda vez que lo hicimos para clases diferentes, pero no ensayamos nada en ninguna de las dos veces pues no lo consideré necesario, los niños tuvieron su mérito porque lo hicieron estupendamente bien. Por eso, si os fijáis, necesitan mirar el cuadro que llevan, porque todos conocían todos los cuadros y los repartí aleatoriamente.

Como veréis, hay niños más resueltos y otros más tímidos a los que les impresiona más estar en un escenario y hablar por un micrófono, por ello la seño a veces tiene que echarles una mano y "soplarles" al oído un poquito; también los hay a los que les cuesta estar tanto rato callados y sentaditos, pero todos lo hicieron muy bien.

En mayo terminaremos la tercera y última etapa del proyecto, donde los alumnos crearán su propia historia a partir del cuadro "La alegría de vivir" de Picasso con apadrinamiento de los alumnos de 6º de la seño Maria José. Finalmente haremos un libro recopilatorio.

Espero que os guste y de nuevo los más expertos en arte me perdonéis las licencias de contenido que tuve la libertad de tomarme.

Recuerdo que a nuestro grupo le tocó hablar sobre las obras de Picasso. Luego los niños de 5 años de la Seño Mari Carmen hablaron del contexto histórico-cultural nacional, y los niños de 5ºB hablaron sobre Picasso y sus ciudades.


It was a very interesting experience in which each student tried to participate.

We had about 10 minutes to perform , therefore the interventions were short, even so, we exeeded the time limit.

It was the second time that we did for different classes, but we didn´t rehearse anything in both times because I didn´t consider it necessary, the children had their merit because they did extremely well.

So if you watch, they needed to look at the pictures they were carrying, because everyone knew all the pictures and I handed them out randomly.

As you see, there were children who acted freely and there were children who were shy, and there were those who were impresed of being on the stage and speak with the microphone, that´s why the teacher sometimes had to give a hand and whisper in their ears. There were also those who found it difficult to just sit and do nothing, but as a whole they did very well.

In May we finish the third and final stage of the project, where students will create their own story from the picture "The Joy of Living" by Picasso with the sponsorship of the students of the 6th grade of the teacher Maria Jose.

Finally we will make a compilation book.

Hope you like it and to the art experts, please apologize for the freedom I take to explain the context.

I remind you that for our group, we were chosen to talk about the works of Picasso. And the children of 5 years old, from the teacher Mari Carmen spoke of national historical and cultural events around his life, and children of the 5th B grade talked about Picasso and it´s cities.

Here you have some videos. Sorry, they are in Spanish. I still need to learn how to subtitulate a video.

Marta presenta y Hugo habla sobre cómo realizaba Picasso sus obras
Marta introduce us and Hugo read about how Picasso would make his works
Miguel nos dice que tuvo distintas épocas, estilos y técnicas
Miguel read about Picasso´s different styles and techniques
El equipo que trabajó la etapa azul
The team who worked on the blue period of Picasso.

Equipo que trabajó la etapa rosa
The team who worked on the pink period of Picasso
Equipo que trabajó la etapa surrealista
The team who worked on the surrealistic period of Picasso

Equipo que trabajó la etapa cubista
The team who worked on the cubist period.
Pedro y Coraima sobre la Guerra y la Paz
Pedro and Coraima talking about War and Peace
Fátima y Ainhoa sobre escultura y lightpainting
Fátima and Ainhoa talking about sculpture and lightpainting
Y por último, presentamos las obras hechas por los propios alumnos que ya conocéis de entradas anteriores.
And finally, we showed our own personal interpretations about the work of Picasso that you have already seen in older post.
 ¿Os ha gustado?
Si queréis saber más sobre cómo hemos trabajado este proyecto, podéis pinchar en la etiqueta "Picasso" que aparece a vuestra derecha.
P.d.: Hacedme saber si podéis ver bien los vídeos. En caso contrario, os cuelgo las fotos.
Have you enjoyed?
If you want to know more about how we´ve been working on this project, you can click on the tag PICASSO.
P.d.: Please let me know if you can see the videos. Otherwise, I will put the pictures of the conference.

13 comentarios:

  1. Very good job Seño Carla.
    Unfortunately viewers neither can see the faces of the children nor yours, because the screen cannot be enlarged.
    The sound is very clear.
    My hat off !!!

  2. Well, it is faster uploading a video in small size. That´s why you can´t enlarged it.

    I hope you have enjoyed and thank you for your kind words Pp.

    If you keep following my blog, I would appreciate your help correcting my mistakes en english if you see any of them (as for example, now. I´m sure I did at least one or two).

    1. I meant: "that is why you can´t enlarge it"

    2. There is another slip of the pen : "in english" not "en english".
      The rest are perfect !
      It´s a pitty the story is written in Spanish, if it were in English I could send it to my friends.

      Anyway,there are already 3221 persons who have seen your blog....that´s a lot of people !!!!

      Keep writing !!!


  3. Yes, I´ve noticed. Sometimes I mix and I write in "Spanglish".

    Now I´m too busy studying and I don´t have time enough to translate the texts in English. I takes me twice the time. But when I finish my public examinations, I promise to carry on with it.

    Thanks again Pp.

  4. Hola Carla.
    Los videos se ven y se oyen muy bien.
    Gracias por "colgarlos" para que podamos disfrutar nosotros también.
    ¡Buen trabajo!

  5. I was able to read all what has been written and also saw the short videos of the kids.
    They are really cute and brave to recite on the podium at that young age.
    Although at that age they probably won't be able to comprehend all what Picasso was for Malaga, but they will sure keep these experiences in their long term memory in their brain.

    In children's psychology, at that age, they won't be able yet to understand or comprehend, but are superb in collecting, accepting and retrieving off all what they have learned. Their memory banks are still empty. The experience in making Pablo the central figure in their activity will always be stored and retrieve during their whole life. Most people, will always remember, in detail all the experiences in their kindergarten school.
    It was a pity that this son of Malaga has never return to his native births place, but that is the tragedy of political history of Espagna. In history Picasso will probably be more famous than his opponent Franco, although most people won't approve their political views and lifestyle. Picasso is one of the greatest sons of Espagna and especially from Andalucía.
    It may be very interesting to understand the phases in the life of Picasso through his paintings. In paintings we will recognize the spirit of his thoughts. In analyzing his paintings you must listen to his feeling his weeping, his cry for help or his happiness.
    What is very clear in the character of this person is his love for his home country his sorrow that he saw among the people in Malaga in his younger years. His pre blue periods and his blue periods are an indication how upset he was with the Spanish government and society. Blue is more or less a sign of his sadness how hunger and death are dominating the streets of Malaga during the beginning of the 20th century.
    However his Andalucian blood and culture that he received during his younger years was always a typical character of his. His free expression could be seen in his paintings in the later years where sun and freedom of expressions dominated all his paintings.

    This condition could be emphasize and compared with the prosperity now in Malaga. I bet Picasso although living in Paris for most of his life never has forgotten what he saw in his youth. He also saw that facism destroyed Europe and also keep Espagna from become a prosperous country. Picasso didn't like wars and never condone using any force to change the world, so all his spirit is shown in his paintings. This is the Picasso of Malaga.
    What I have written above is the spirit and soul of Picasso. You could emphasize this spirit of Picasso and imprinted his idea in the minds of the little actors not with words but in their clothes and acting. How you do it - is up to your imaginations. What is clear the blue period - Picasso is crying for help, what you see in his cubism is the spirit of Andalucía.

  6. Hola Carla, estoy tratando de ver estos videos pero me dice que no están disponibles... ¿los has cambiado de sitio?

    1. Hola Nico, pues no sé. No he tocado nada. No sé si será cosa del servidor. Lo comprobaré. Todavía tengo que encontrar una manera de colgar bien los vídeos.

      Gracias por avisar.

      En todo caso prueba a ver en otra ocasión a ver si te salen. En caso contrario, avísame y busco la manera de resolverlo.

      Un saludo.

    2. Hola Carla, ¿que tal estas? estábamos intentando ver los videos pero sigue diciendo que no están disponibles, los estoy tratando de ver desde el ordenador y he usado tres navegadores diferentes y nada. Dime si tienes otra dirección donde se puedan ver, o si es posible, envíame a mi correo los de la etapa rosa para ver a Dani. Muchas gracias

    3. Hola Nico, la plataforma que usaba desactivó la visión de vídeos y ahora los tengo que pasar uno a uno a vímeo o youtube. Cada vídeo ocupa su ratito, así que con un poquito de paciencia podéis acabar viéndolos. Si pones en el buscador "un pequeño problema con los vídeos", aparecerán las entradas que contienen los vídeos ya visibles. Sigo actualizando y empezaré hoy por aquí. Gracias por avisar, Nico.
      Un beso a los cuatro.

    4. Por cierto, ya está el de la etapa rosa. El único inconveniente que tengo es que Vímeo me limita la cantidad de megas que puedo subir a la semana, con lo que hasta la que viene, podré actualizar solo dos. Y así poco a poco.
